Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Stevens Trail, and the North Fork American River Underwater

I've taken other videos of Stevens Trail, from the Colfax trailhead to the North Fork American River, a distance of 4.5 miles, but today I took my GoPro for wide angle views of the canyon and underwater shots of the river. The day was cool, a welcome change from the heat of the previous week, when the temperature was over one hundred degrees. Clouds hugged the top of the hills. Few others were on the trail, and I walked mostly in solitude. Near the adit of the abandoned mine, a pile of black bear scat but a few hours old was on the trail. In the river, a few hundred feet below me, were some half dozen miners working the gravels for gold. The river is very low from the drought, and with the slow current moss grows on the boulders. An El Nino is predicted this winter. If it comes, heavy rains will swell the river, tossing the boulders around and refreshing the gravels with small bits of gold washed from the steep hillsides.