Saturday, October 29, 2016

Dia de los Muertos

Looking for something to raise our spirits what with all the recent dreadful weather, my wife and I went to the annual Day of the Dead celebration in downtown Sacramento. Normally this is held outdoors but the rains forced it into a parking garage. Still, there were crowds aplenty. This is a Mexican cultural event and most attendees were of Mexican heritage. The Mexican Consulate in Sacramento had a booth. Many of the Anglo visitors were of the liberal persuasion, judging by the serene look on their faces that screamed "Oh! All this multiculturalism!" One white man wore a tee shirt denouncing racism, while being surrounded by folks who identify as La Raza - The Race. Wearing a Trump Make America Great Again cap here would have been foolhardy at best. Taxpayer dollars were being spent having young people in khaki AmeriCorps uniforms help with the event, showing folks how to paint small skulls, that kind of stuff. How sad it is that these youngsters will leave AmeriCorps thinking they engaged in useful work. Better had they spent their time unloading trucks at the receiving dock of a major retail store, to get a taste of what real world work is like. The parking meter was running and I can't be frivolous on things such as personal fun when the government needs my money to give to others. So my wife and I left the parking garage and walked to our car, the sound of mariachi music fading in the distance.

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