Saturday, May 19, 2012

Panama 2012 - Racing a Ship

The ship passing us at Gamboa

A pleasant diversion while at the Panama Canal is to race a ship from Pedro Miguel Locks to Gamboa. The process is simple. Wait for an Atlantic-bound ship to clear the locks. Give it a bit of a head start, and then drive towards Gamboa. You can make a side stop in Paraiso but the ship has likely already passed. Continue to Gamboa. Cross the bridge over the Chagres River and park on the opposite side.

You might climb the spiral stairs to the top of the abandoned lighthouse for a better view. We did this in 2010 and got eye-level with passengers on the upper deck of the cruise ship we raced. On this ascent we passed several bats clinging to the wall before reaching a hive of winged insects. The insects swarmed us and drove us out of the lighthouse. Our quick departure and loud curses upset the bats. Thankfully, the insects didn't sting, they just chased us for about thirty yards.

If the lighthouse is not an option, stand on the bank of the Canal. The ship comes in sight - it passes by - soon it is in the distance.

Here's a video of us racing a ship.

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