Thursday, August 16, 2012

Creation Evidence Museum

While in Texas visiting family, our travels took us to the small town of Glen Rose, about one hour southeast of Fort Worth. Dinosaur footprints found in the nearby Paluxy riverbed led to the establishment of Dinosaur Valley State Park. But wait, there's much much more! In the 1930s human footprints were found alongside the dinosaur footprints! They of course were not left in place, but instead were dug up to show others. The story is told in the Creation Evidence Museum outside Glen Rose. Go to their website if you dare. The human footprints prove that Charles Darwin got it all wrong with that evolution stuff. Dinosaurs and man coexisted! Every word of Genesis is true, and Earth is only about six thousand years old. All those layers of fossils? Caused by the Flood! The geologic doctrine of Uniformitarianism? Never heard of that!

Fortunately, time constraints prevented us from taking the tour, leaving the five dollar admission fee to be better spent at Rahr & Sons Brewery in Fort Worth.

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