Saturday, July 30, 2016

Veterans of World War I

This board inside the Auburn Veterans Memorial Hall (built 1931, dedicated January 1932) tells us of the existence of Auburn Barracks 570, Veterans of World War I.

The Veterans of World War I of the U.S.A., Inc. was organized in 1948 and incorporated by Congress in 1958. It was a fraternal, civic, and social organization, with a constitution, by-laws, and rituals similar to those of the Grand Army of the Republic and the American Legion. The organization dissolved following the death in 2011 of its National Commander and last remaining member, Frank Woodruff Buckles, who was also the last surviving American veteran of World War I.

The board in Auburn has the first entry dated 1956. The last year with a Barracks Commander is 1986. The last year with an Auxiliary President (a veteran's wife) is 1989.

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