Sunday, October 23, 2011

Indian Grinding Rocks

When you take the time to just poke around, you can find some interesting things.

I was poking around Moody Ridge this morning, looking for a good view of Giant Gap.

In my meanderings I saw three piles of bear scat. No black bear sightings, though.

Bushwhacking a bit in my return to my truck, I saw a slate outcrop nearby. I said to myself, "Self, long before the arrival of the Americans, the Nisenan likely camped here, and their women ground acorns into meal amongst those rocks. If so, there will be holes in the rocks from their centuries of grinding." So I walked to the outcrop, and sure enough, there were holes in the rocks.

A bulldozer blade scraped the surrounding area clean years ago. Any artifacts once scattered about here are long gone.

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