Sunday, October 23, 2011

Occupy Sacramento

There's a movement afoot nationwide called Occupy Wall Street, alternately We are the 99%, and the local manifestation has set itself up in Caesar Chavez Park in Sacramento, seemingly with the intention of staying put until the System comes Down. This afternoon I went to see for myself what the fuss was all about.

Here was the command post.

Signs, most of them crudely done, were placed around the fountain.

This was the most offensive sign. Che Guevara was a murderous thug who should not be venerated.

Although unintended by its maker, this sign more than any other told of the freedoms lost in this country.

Not a lot of people in the park for the event. The park had its normal share of winos stretched out on the grass enjoying a gorgeous California autumn afteroon. For the event participants, a few were Rasta dreadlock riff-raff losers, most just your everyday left-leaning folks.

Wanting to get down to details, I asked the two young women below what this movement wanted. The woman on the left did all the talking. She first said I could go to a booth to get more information. I pressed her, asking her to give me just three things this movement wanted. She said: 1) End Wall Street contributions to the political process, 2) Stop allowing Wall Street corporations to act as a private individual, 3) End some act (I forget the name) which benefits Wall Street corporations. I told her I was picking up a common theme, the movement did not like Wall Street. Were they opposed to capitalism? She said no. Although many protestors were against capitalism, the movement itself is only against the influence Wall Street has on the economy.

Both women were very polite, and I thanked them for the information.

Still, I didn't get any pro-capitalism/free market vibes from this movement.

When the temperatures drop and the rains come, when things get uncomfortable, I'm sure these folks will de-Occupy Sacramento.

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