Thursday, May 19, 2011

Modern Ruins of Fort Sherman

Traveling between Gatun Locks and Fort San Lorenzo, one passes through the former Army base of Fort Sherman. The United States turned this real estate over to Panama under the terms of the treaty. Sadly, Panama has neglected some sections of Fort Sherman. We saw a row of houses, just a two minute walk from the white sands of the Caribbean, which were given to Panama in perfectly good condition. Rather than renting them out for a profit while figuring what to do with them in the long term, the government of Panama let them sit uninhabited and untended. The tropical climate took its toll, as did some vandals, and now the houses are so deteriorated that they must be demolished. A shame.

1 comment:

  1. The first image is the former home of my best friends growing up. A sad day for me seeing it in such a state
